
A person who simply loves spending time in the kitchen has a handful of cooking spices and herbs at his disposal to make dishes sumptuous and aromatic. It is time to shake up yourself little bit if you feel like you’re serving the same boring meals over and over again Spices help you to alter or round a dish the way you want if you have mastered the art of seasoning. You can make for healthier meals or add extraordinary flavour to any recipe. So go and try out a dish that you have never tried before and experiments with different gourmet spices to make your meal a mouth watering jolt of flavours.

The culture, tradition and food habits of India are very different from rest of the world not only in taste but also in cooking methods. It reflects a perfect blend of various spices, herbs to suit all ages. Food in India has also been influenced by various civilizations and it is better known for its spiciness. Throughout India spices are used generously in food. But one must not forget that every single spice used in Indian dishes carries some or the other nutritional as well as medicinal properties. So use spices everyday not only to make your food tasty but also healthy

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